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*nervous chuckle* eh-heh-.  ive no idea what im doing

I'm not sure why but linework just wasn't line-working with this one, so I'm just gonna wing it and opted for a more sculpt-y workflow, shaping shapes and colors where I feel like it might make sense, and praying it'll turn out fine in the end. which is a brand new workflow for me! I gotta be honest lads, this will either turn out great or absolutely not great. We'll find out.

Either way, Halsin is enjoying a snack. Yumz. 




Kinda love this sculptural workflow, it looks rough, and yet so pretty at the same time. Also ... is this a promise of more "hair down Halsin"? *squees quietly in the corner*


These art pieces are the reason I'm in a poly couple with SH and Halsin my last 2 run-throughs. 🥰