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"Never thought I'd fall in love with a Sharran."
"And I never thought I'd fall in love with a wild Druid."

enemies to lovers anyone HELLOOO?? druid who literally went to war against shar('s chosen)... sharran who's literally against anyone and anything, I guess. (in principle anyway, shadowheart is a goodie deep down)

took me a little while to figure out the colors for this one. i actually had nothing whatsoever in mind, so i browsed my reference folder for inspiration, hoping something would speak to me. I picked out the ones with the right vibe and realised they're more or less "dark silhouette, midtone background, contrasting rimlight", so that's where we're going!

most of the refs i picked out were quite colorful and  bright, so that's what I went for first.

but the vibes weren't quite there. it felt a bit OOC for them to be getting together in the greenerie, not just because thematically they're both associated with the moon, but their romance (in my head) is less about heat and more about forbidden allure, shall we say - activities best done under the cover of night. neither of their gods (and they're both deeply religious) would approve of this choice in romantic partner. so night-time it is!

now onwards to rendering

edit: also, surprise! deliberately didnt say it was sharty in my other wips just so I could bamboozle you. betcha thought it was going to be Tav, didn't 'cha. but im actually a Shadowbear shipper, cats out of the bag. i let it out of the bag with a sketch a few months ago as well and im letting it out again!!
well. main ship is tav+halsin. second main is shadowbear.




The way he’s intently looking at her!? Swion


PHEW I CAN GET BEHIND THIS. what can we do to get you on the Halstarion train too 👀👀