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Goodbye ugly stage! Hello Rhysand, darling.

It was a bit touch and go there for a sec, but after a fair amount of wrestling and hoodoo, I'm finally happy with the face - at least for now.

Dont get too attached to the massive package in his pants, he'll receive more realistic trousers and proportions.

Onwards! I'm hoping to post the finished piece on Friday 🙏 still a lot of work left before then, but I have faith!




I don’t know what render means in an art context and at this point I’m too afraid to ask. But he purty.


Aw thanks! Render for 2D art (like mine) basically means to add and texture shadows and highlights and makes it a bit smoother and realistic, as opposed to just having flat color!

Sina Fischer

This has more dark prince vibes than the earlier versions to me; must have to do with the face / eyes