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Just finished this commission last night for Ana! It's not often nowadays I get commissioned for personal use (as opposed to commercial) but Ana hit me up and really wanted me to paint this scene between her original characters. 

Personal Update

And with that, my active commission queue is cleared! I can't remember the last time I didn't have a painting waiting for me. I have one project with The Bookish Box where I'm waiting for their design brief that I'll be working on as soon as I receive it, but for now there's nothing on my commercial to-do list! And it feels so good with a small break

As you might've noticed, I've been rather absent lately. And I suppose my last post didn't do much to clear things up. I've mainly been juggling three things; this commission, an Oraya and Raihn commission (that I hope you'll get to see soon!) and a shit ton of wrist pain.

Yeah, my hands aren't working great at the moment. It's actually gone downhill for the past year, steadily getting worse. I've no idea what it is, but if I attempt to sit on the computer, type at a keyboard or hold a pen for an extended amount of time my elbows, wrists, hands and fingers will hurt something fierce. And that's not even to mention the lump on my wrist. I do my best to take breaks and rest as I know the damage can be even worse if you work through it, but it also means my productivity is really really shit. I've been to the GP (british for doctor) but she had no clue so she's referred me onwards. So now I'm waiting for an appointment with the hand specialists. Even just typing this post has my hands all achy and I had to take a break halfway through.

If you know me personally, you'd know I got a smidge of health anxiety. So of course, I am expecting the worst - "it's incurable, it's only going to get worse, you can never draw again." But hopefully not. But unfortunately, for the foreseeable future, I have reduced capacity. That's also why Patreon has been quiet lately, as I had to prioritise which projects to work on with my limited ability.

But now, now I've cleared my imminent to-do list, and I'm ready to show you guys some love. My goal for the rest of the year is to make Patreon my number one priority, and any commissions come second. I'm excited to finally get some of my own ideas on paper!! 

In fact, you can expect an nsfw group scene sketch of all the bat boys and one lucky Feyre in the next few days. <3 Just need to rest my hands for a few days to recover from finishing this piece first.




I have carpal tunnel and ganglion cysts in my wrists and it is the WORST. Much sympathy and many anti inflammatories to you! Take care of yourself!


I totally relate. I've also been dealing with pretty bad carpal tunnel and tendinitis and having a limited capacity to draw really adds insult to injury! I've been wearing a brace at night and while I work and it helps somewhat, as well as high dose vitamin B6. It doesn't completely fix it (rest seems to be the only thing that truly helps, unfortunately), but it's better than nothing. I hope you get some answers soon from a specialist ❤️.