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Can you believe we're already done with the first quarter of 2023? Only 3 quarters left and then it's 2024?! help

Only 3 months ago I started focusing more on patreon and converted it to an NSFW one to boot to provide the people with dicks. Feels like I started yesterday, I've no idea where the time goes. But here's what we've got to show for it; 3 pinups and a sexy scene. Check out the links if you missed any of them!

Lucien Pinup 

Cassian Pinup  

Azriel Pinup 

Aznessian Scene 

I'm always trying to be better, so for the next quarter I'm pushing for 3 pinups and 2 scenes. Who and what will be a surprise! Got Hunt and Rhys on the pinup list... possibly gonna finish my Oraihn sketch, as so many of my followers and friends have FINALLY read The Serpent and the Wings of Night and they're just as head over heels as I am. I'm not yet earning enough from Patreon to give it my full attention, so a fair amount of my time will be spent on commissions this coming quarter as well. I adore working with authors and I love my clients, but having the freedom granted by you to paint my own ideas has been lovely. 




oraihn!!! let’s goooo 💙


Happy with all of it!