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Big boy.

You voted, and here he is. Second sinner reward is Cassian! And of course I was more than happy to oblige. Traditionally he's depicted with the most sculpted six pack known to man, but with all the big boy trends lately I realised I wanted to draw Cass like this. 

Now unfortunately Sarah's licencing team didn't like the bush you see here, so the SFW version you see will have considerably less pubes. However, as the NSFW doesn't get licenced, the Sinners get to enjoy the bush in it's full glory. Cass only grooms for Winter and Summer Solstice and nobody can convince me otherwise. 

This is my true vision.




Teresa Kile

I have no idea who this is or what it is from... but he is absolutely gorgeous!

Necie Bee

Cassian is broad and thiccccc! That is a very tame bush and I cannot for the life of me consider this off brand