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The WoW Warbringer videos were fucking amazing (Jainas' Song, anyone?! SYLVANAS'S WARBRINGER?! chills) and I thought I'd be making something relatively similar one day, if I was brave enough.

I didn't think I'd be making one of the most hated character in the ACOTAR fandom. But here we are! A bit dark and gore-y, but this scene really stood out to me in ACOFAS, so of course I drew it. 

Now I'll be returning to my clients and commissions, they've been so patient and wonder-- *cough*
COVID: Oh hey, don't mind me, you were saying?
ME: Well, I... I'm going back to my clients work now-- *cough* oh frick
COVID: Mmmmm nah, no you're not.

Yeah, just as I finished this, I got the rona. Great timing. It's kicking my ass. Goodnight.


Tamlin Alone: an unofficial A Court of Thorns and Roses animation

"A great elk lay dead on the long worktable in the center of the dark space, the arrow through its throat illumined by the watery light leaking through the small windows. Blood pooled on the gray stone floor, its drip the only sound. The only sound as Tamlin sat in a chair before it. Staring at the felled beast, its dark eyes open and glazed." Yes, it's THAT scene from ACOFAS. It really stood out to me, and I knew I had to draw it sooner or later - I just didn't realise I'd put this much effort into it. I like to imagine that he's sat there for hours in a spiral of rage, apathy and depression, both before and after Rhys's visit. Spending less and less time as fae, and possibly after this very day, their encounter, decides to spend his time as a Beast, permanently. This video was created independently and is not canon or officially endorsed. Book Series: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas Song: Seven Nation Army by Skald (Daycore) My Website: https://naarielart.co.uk Twitter, IG, Tiktok either @naariel or @naarielart I can't remember whats where.


Kirsten Trogdon

I've recently gone from hating Tamlin to weirdly having a soft spot for him and this just stabbed me in the heart. It's really good!

Kandi Kalisto

This is insanely awesome