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Henceforth, all these life updates will be tagged as "artists log". I've been terribly inconsistent with my titles!

So, let's have a quick chat about what's going on!


Last Summer I got this brilliant idea like many artists before me - let's draw a comic! I gotta be honest, I started because I thought it looked like great fun - not because I had an awesome story in my mind. (Probably not the best starting point.) I didn't really have any OC's either!

And thus began the work of thinking of something that's worthy of being on paper. 

As usual, I'm shooting for the stars. It'll be a painterly rendered graphic novel, probably a trilogy! Something similar to the epic-ness of Myre.

I've created a rough outline of the story, characters and I've started making rough drafts for the pages. 

The universe and story will be super self-indulgent and thus include magic, elves, swords, dragons!! with a pinch of Norse Mythology creatures. Yay!! 


It'll take me a looooooooooooooooooong time. Bills sucks! But they must be paid, on a monthly basis nonetheless. Right now we're looking at 2 years timeline for a single chapter.

But hey, we're in it for the long run! Just because it'll take years doesn't mean we won't do it. 

I hope this might've piqued your interest, and if any of my patrons want to be my beta readers (essentially helping me make sure it all makes sense), please let me know! 


Scott Adams

I’d love to Beta-Read too!!


Really awesome to see your plans moving forward! I wish you all the luck and focus! :D You'll make a great comic!