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testing one two does this work

The process video is a success! only lost a couple a couple of hours, which is a win in my book. also had to cut out any parts where I worked on the hog, of course. I can't promise it'll stay up forever as it's rather risque even with the censor. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't flagged immediately.

so please join me as we frolick through the magical druidic woodlands with our boy Halsin


Painting Timelapse: Halsin

I did my best. Enjoy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/naarielart Social Media, Websites: https://www.linktr.ee/naarielart



That was amazing! Had to do a double take when I read "foreskin" on your to-do list instead of "foreground" though. Lol oops! 😅🤣 Can I ask why you keep flipping it during the process? I'm super curious.


often if you feel stuck, something just doesn't seem right, you should flip it and the issue becomes clear instantly. idk why but it just helps!


This was absolutely amazing to watch!! What do you feel like has helped you the most with your ability to paint the lighting so well? And learning anatomy? All the shadows and highlights are something I just can’t get down very well.

L Era

This is absolutely fascinating to watch. It baffles me how it went from grayish blob to fully rendered muscle groups so quickly. You are so skilled. I can only imagine the hours and hours of hard work that must have taken.