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Well, every single one of you guessed right. Of course it's Halsin <3 although you wouldn't be able to tell from this update, granted. It'll look like him soon, promise. 

If you've been here a while you might've noticed that I always post rough sketch > cleaned up sketch > flat colors > rough lightsource > render WIP... but not this time. I'm trying a new technique where I'm building the form and light straight from the rough sketch and I plan to add the lineart later. so it's more like rough sketch > rough form/lightsources > form traced lineart > color overlay > render WIP. the idea is that this kind of "pre-sculpting" will let me build a more accurate foundation, quicker. it's a well used technique to build a lot of the painting in greyscale and add colors later but I haven't really vibed with it the few times I've tried it before. but I'm giving it another go! we'll see if it actually ends up saving me time! (but it's also just fun to try new things every now and then.)

I've managed to film my process this time. if all goes well I won't forget to press record further down the process (fingers crossed, I ALWAYS BLOODY FORGET) and I'll pop it up on youtube. my channel could do with a little love. 




I feel like I'm pre-blushing at this pose, my mind is trying to fill in the blanks already!


Oh I'd love to see a time lapse of you working!!