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Less wine mom, more come hither. It's not often these days that I need to transform the sketch as much as this, but this time it was just not right, and I had to spend a few extra days just making sure I have a good foundation. Thank God for the liquify tool. I erased his face and completely redid it, which was definitely a good decision.

I've also decided to have a relatively monochromatic colour scheme, with mostly desaturated blue/grey and red being the only real pop... unfortunately, I aBSOLUTELY SUCK at this technique, I don't know how I managed to do with with Halsin and Shadowheart. wish me luck as I delve into rendering.

// for those of you who are confused, it's based on this meme format




The secret to astarion from what ive seen is an additional sly fruitiness. really taps into his essence. It's essential hahah


I'm sooooo late to comment on this alteration but IT'S SUCH A GOOD ONE. SO SO GOOD. It feels subtle but it makes a HUGE difference!! And of course, loving every other update afterwards 🤤