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Words that could be interpreted both ways.

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Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Feel bad for Mosi.....heartbreak over heartbreak

Stephanie Titarenko

Don't get me wrong, I love Africa as a character, faults and all. I really do. But it's always bugged me how quick she is to take the blame for everything, even stuff she is either not actually at fault for ( Safari being shot here ), can't possibly know for sure she is at fault for ( the deaths of Sabra's kittens is debatable ), or had good reason to do ( killing Sabra ). I know that is just part of her character and who she is, but good god it's frustrating to watch sometimes, especially here. I do hope she clears the air with Mondo soon and they have a heartfelt reunion, but if I were Mondo and I heard JUST what he hears here "I didn't take good care of you! I hurt you when I didn't mean it! EVERYTHING BAD THAT HAS HAPPENED IS ALL MY FAULT!" ( Yes, I am paraphrasing, but this is how it comes across ) I would run for the hills. A better approach for Africa, assuming she does not want to scare Mondo off and wants to repair their relationship, would be something along the lines of "Look, Mondo, you don't have the full story, and it's REALLY important that you do. Please let me explain what happened and why I did what I did." Of course, Safari dying RIGHT THERE next to her and for no reason that they understand is super inconvenient and absolutely does not help matters, so one has to forgive the kitten if he happens to assume that Africa brings death and destruction to everyone she is around, especially since she is pretty much telling him here on this page that she does. I love ya, Africa, but you REALLY need to work on your communication skills. You don't lead with the bad part first when you are trying to get a confused and scared lost child who is already having a terrible day to come back to you, and you don't beat around the bush when it's vital that a character understand something RIGHT NOW. Save the guilt and self-doubt for later, please!


I agree, I feel because of this, it kinda goes in circles and hinders the progression of the story. Maybe I'm just impatient because we don't have the full chapter in hands yet and waiting a week between pages means the story, from our perspective, progresses very slow, so maybe it will flow better once everything is put together, but right now it's a bit like that meme "ah shit, here we go again"