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Hello everyone! And a merry early Christmas and happy Holidays to you! :D Welcome to the new Sketchdump for December! Here we go with this month's sketch collection! :D

Shoutout to Fate, who asked for a sketch of Chui as a wildcat! No matter his size, this sneaky lil cheater will never not cause trouble xD

Shoutout to 8NinjaK, who asked for a sketch of Mondo surrounded by blooming flowers <3 Aww this adorable baby, look how happy he is! This sweet child must be protected!

Shoutout and welcome to new Patron Lucas! Who asked for a sketch of Bibi dressed as a king's adviser :D Our gal looks so dapper, and she would for sure give plenty of good advice  wouldn't she! :D

Shoutout to Dawn, who combined four months worth of sketches in order to request an AU where Sabra ends up adopting Africa's two cubs, on top of keeping her son. What an odd situation this would be, hahah! Especially as Africa's cubs are almost as big as her xD

Shoutout to Koco, who combined two months' worth of sketches in order to request Africa giving a kiss to her grown up adoptive son, Mondo <3 Look how big our lil kitten got! He's still like a third of Africa's size, but being raised by a leopard means he can hold his own!

Shoutout to Pantera, who combined two months' worth of sketches in order to request a scared Kafil, looking at his reflection and seeing Abasi instead. After what he did, Kafil's heart hardened some more, but deep down he truly does feel scared... regretful maybe? Who knows!

Shoutout to Silver Huskey, who combined three months' worth of sketches in order to request Africa, Mosi and Mondo unwrapping Christmas gifts! Look at how happy our lil family is <3 Lol it looks like Mondo got the biggest gift out of the bunch xD

Shoutout to Raptorzs, who asked for a sketch of grown up Mondo, meditating peacefully <3 Lots of Mondo love this month! He looks so relaxed, likely about to drift off to sleep xD

Shoutout to Fenris64, who combined two months' worth of sketches in order to request Shirotora and Takeshi from the Chakra comic! They were shown toward the very end of the comic, their couple is underrated but looks so sweet <3

Shoutout to Ultra, who asked for a sketch of Bes being a loaf xD Provided that the man is a loaf 24/7, this is the particular case where he *actually* looks like one xD And I gotta admit he looks kinda cute xD

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who asked for a sketch of anthro Mosi, also unwrapping gifts! And hey look what he got! I love that gaaaaaame so much xD

I loved working on these so much! I am so hyped for the January poll, I can't wait to see who wins!! XD Make sure to stay tuned, the poll is coming up soon! :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to KMC, LittleCoyote, Skailla,  AywenSix, Teliko,  Cpat, and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)



Rachael Jokerst

Can we get one next month of either safari thanking Africa for being his sister until he could be with dada again or if that’s too spoilers can we see mosi and bibi as either bibi being a leopard and razing Mozi or a little au where they’re both caracals? Idk I’ve got a lot of cute ideas right now. Or at lease they seem cute in my head.


That Bes loaf needs a big oven