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350 pages, wohoooo!!

Faida lets Africa know what she truly wants.

Side note: I know these pages are slow and the argument seems one-sided, but I promise you it isn't. There literally is not enough space for the whole dialogue and intentions to fit in a single sequence. Sorry to drag this on, I am aware that these pages are frustrating and I promise you this is getting somewhere. Please bear with me <3

Thank you so much always for giving this story a chance, I truly appreciate it <3

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



The Fluffy Birdcat

Sabra was the Sith apprentice but Faira was the master all along!


Wow. I figured Faida was more selfish than she acted. I wouldn't have thought she'd actually be bent on payback. Tension is really building up with so many questions yet not enough answers (in story, I mean; I'm not referring to the audience XD).