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Hello everyone! :D Welcome to the new Sketchdump for August! Here we go with this month's sketch collection! :D

Shoutout to Cedar, who asked for one of my characters as a DnD class! And I always pictured Cheetah as a bard - with an electric guitar of course hahah :D Gotta love the mixup of medieval and modern themes :D

Shoutout to Ultra, who asked for a sketch of Bes in a box - if he fits, he sits. Or rather, he will sits regardless of whether he fits xD

Shoutout to ShamRook, who asked for a sketch of a fancy Azara! This lovely fella loves the look of his own face, and will challenge anyone on who can wear the most jewelry xD

Shoutout to Dawn, who aasked for a sketch of Bes as a cat... with a lion cut xD Why does he look even tubbier this way xD Our thicc boi is having none of it xD

Shoutout to Rachael and Raptorzs, who combined their rewards to get Africa and Chui drawn as Khajiiti characters xD No doubt the two would have neighboring merchant stalls and would bicker and fight all the time xD

Shoutout to Silver Huskey, who asked for a sketch of Bes at the beach xD Of course he'd be lazying around and stuffing himself with ice cream xD Oh and Bes is absolutely the type of guy to steal a ball from kids playing because they're kicking up sand xDDD

Shoutout to Koco, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Sabra and Mondo, along with the unfortunate kittens who didn't make it. As much as everyone hates Sabra, this sketch was particularly painful to draw. She looks so devastated ;;

Shoutout to BearFlipsTable, who asked for a sketch of Motyl as a Great Fairy from the OOT Zelda series :D She looks so pretty in the outfit, but she would for sure be 10000% less creepy xD

Shoutout to Atsuoru, who asked for a sketch of a character who doesn't get many views. I went with dear ol' Kobura, who has indeed been a bit overlooked lately, poor bean <3 He is always so fun to draw, always so chipper :D

Shoutout to Johnna, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Chui and Mosi having a fightoff! Oooo this is one hype battle, and as much as we love Mosi, Chui definitely has the bulk advantage here!

Shoutout to Fenris64, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Kuma flirting with C.Y.! Aww, I miss drawing these two, their relationship could have surely developed and maybe they would have come to an understanding ;;

Shoutout to TsavoJackal, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Anaka the lioness flirting with Bes xD She can be more or less subtle, but regardless, Bes looks like he's having none of it xD

Shoutout to Shadow-Hyder, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Razer and her Essence, which is a concept in Azarian Stories that encompasses the themes of souls and rebirth. Each creature has an Essence that mirrors it and is completely devoted to consuming souls. I can't tell which is more terrifying here, Razer or her hellish shadow self xD

Shoutout to Emma, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Africa and Chui recreating the famous TLK fight between Simba and Scar! Chui has already toppled in this exact manner by Paa, so there's good hope that Africa could actually pull this off! :D

Shoutout to Stricksa, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Africa and Chui as Barbie and Ken in the police lineup meme xD I love the expressions here, Chui would 100% vibe with it because he knows he's getting out 5 minutes later xD

I loved working on these so much! So many feels in this month's batch! I am so hyped for the September poll, I can't wait to see who wins!! XD Make sure to stay tuned, the poll is coming up soon! :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to Pantera, KMC, LittleCoyote, Skailla,  AywenSix, Teliko,  Cpat, and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)




So much Bes this month :D

Fenris 64

Ooooh so cute! Poor Kuma, wish he had some experience when it comes to flirting. X'3


I had to request house cat Bes to show my cat what will happen if he doesn't stop stealing all the kibble.