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Heyy we get to see how Chui's been faring these past five months. Looks like predicting a drought doesn't automatically make you immune to it.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Ghostly Grizzly

The second panel is so cute with the :* face


Poor Paa. Just because you get some bouts of bravery doesn't mean your fear of predators goes away I guess. Wonder what Chui's plotline will be being left "alone" in Lerai forest, perhaps he decides to seek out Africa to see if there's more prey where she is.


Spell it in simple terms Paa! I sure hope the people who collared that jerk don't step in the move him to better hunting grounds.

Jessica O'Brien

He looks like he might be faring a little better than Africa, but she's also been caring for a cub so that might be why


Great to see good ol' Chui again. His presence always adds a lot of tension to the story. Also missed his sly and cocky personality, it's the main reason he's my favourite character :) I'm really looking forward what he's up next. Tracking the herd would be really the wisest choice for him, and he also has some unfinished business with them, so this might be the most obvious path he can choose. But I also secretly hope that his confrontation with Africa or Mosi is not too long in the distance. It's really entertaining to see him act like any other predator around, but he already proved that he HAS the potential to be a serious antagonist, not "just" a lurking threat for herbivores. Regardless, I still won't be too upset if he stays in the background for a while. I'm honestly more concerned about Mosi right now....


Oh THANK GOODNESS Chui's not after them. On the other hand, I'm still surprised that he's not tracking them. I didn't think he took that much damage from his last assault.


Maybe the humans who seem interested in him are helping here and their. When I was a kid I saw a documentary where they occasionally would try to help released animals here and their with strategically placed food. I remember road kill and even goat carcasses, to try to up the chance they would learn to make it on their own.

Jessica O'Brien

Oh yes, I remember that, in a documentary about a Lioness who adopted a gazelle/antelope calf, they tried to help feed her because she couldn't hunt with the calf.