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Africa has changed so much since the start of the comic, hasn't she <3 Mondo IS her son, period.

But Faida raises some very important questions for the future. A future that Africa may have to face sooner rather than later.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Rachael Jokerst

Africa you’re doing your best. Be kind to yourself


Africa will have to tell both Mondo and Faida that she killed Sabra since she lied to Faida before. Mondo will surely be a problem, but Faida? Africa should just tell her that Sabra was the one who snitched out her cubs and was gonna get Safari killed on top of it, as long as she explains it properly, Faida shouldn't be mad at that. What Mondo will do is another issue, but it might be the same, if he learns just WHY Africa killed her, he might come to grips with the fact his mother was evil and his adoptive mom "had no choice", especially as Mondo's so fond of "Uncle Saffy", learning that his mother attacked Safari and Africa directly killed her to protect him, that might help him to process it and eventually get over it. And darn right, they're both your sons, Africa &lt;3


Mondo is smart. He will realize most families are not different species and their are no other servals here. Plus, Africa has a male leopard angry she didn't want to have his cubs. And a group of assassin lions who can't tell leopards apart after her It''s best to make sure her kid is aware of potential revenge plots.

The Fluffy Birdcat

I think she's about to let the truth slip.

Stephanie Titarenko

It's less that the lions can't tell leopards apart and more that they just don't care. But I agree that Mondo is smart and is going to start asking questions.

Stephanie Titarenko

This is easily one of my favorite pages, especially with the panel of the spooked Mondo: excellent stylistic choice there, it gives it a really creepy vibe and really hits home just how uneasy Mondo feels. I feel so sorry for the poor wee soul...he has no idea who is stalking him and why. And while I am happy to see that Africa has fully accepted Mondo as her adopted son and proud of her for stepping into that role and saving him in spite of her reservations, I agree with Faida that Mondo is smart and is bound to start asking questions about his biological mother and what happened to her. Africa is going to have to be very careful with her wording and how she handles that conversation.