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Faida and Africa have a disagreement.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




I think she’s about to hit Africa with the “Then let them for the sake of the clan”


Seeing how much Africa has changed since the beginning has been incredible to witness.


I mean, I get Africa dont want Safari to go... but he is also making a concious choice here.


Africa has scars from the lion attack herself, and she even got a deeper wound than Safari did (you'd think seeing as her throat was bit into for several seconds while Safari "just" got swiped), Africa was lucky her own wound didn't get infected.


Safari is about to die after suffering infection for months. And from injuries he sustained rescuing her. How many pounds of guilt does Africa carry now?

The Fluffy Birdcat

We can rebuild him! We have the technology! We'll make him see farther, run faster, chip louder...