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$7+ Patrons, which one of my characters would you like to see a sketch of?

Feel free to let me know in the comments below. You can pick anyone from my three stories, and I'll also add your name next to the sketch! - One character per person please! :)

DEADLINE: the 20th of the month!

(you're super welcome to submit your request after the deadline, I'll be sure to draw your sketch request as part of the following month's sketches! :D)

Waiting on a reward? Check out its progression on TRELLO! https://trello.com/b/O3fg6l35/arvens-art-workflow


Koco Wong

Oof I missed the last two months ;-; anyways, could I save up for this month and the next added with the two missed months to get most, binti, Africa and Maji together in one family?


Aww it's no worries at all! And OMG I love the idea, it will be a pleasure to draw all four of them together next month :D

Tiger Bazooka

Sorry to squeeze in just before the deadline lol! I'd like to see Africa asking for 4 slices of cheese, holding up her front paw to represent the number of 4 (because 4 digits lol) like this cartoon character: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_bMA1zgsHIFq6vjZy10qjmVax5doMN4l/view?usp=drivesdk (In the cartoon, the character is asking for 4 slices of cheese on a burger. XD)