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Wema is a proud daddy <3 I love the interactions and designs of the dogs. They take forever to draw but they're so fun. Wema here, for example, would be the "general" of the pack and he even has little spots in the shape of medals <3

He puts on a face by acting tough and professional, but he's actually a big softie <3

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Johnna Huisman

These units of measurement are amazing. XD


Does momma sense someone coming to steal the food? Is that why she looks so worried/scared?


Ahh they are so cute!!

Bethany Clark

Amazing page as always. Is it just me or do the parents look a bit thin? Perhaps from the lack of water.


Oooh, the puns...


mad dog i guess xD


Very mad indeed xDD Also ahh thank you so much for your pledge Maxy! :D And welcome to the Patreon! ^-^