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A loner walking off into the sunrise. Mosi's struggle begins.

Heyyy this has end of chapter vibes. And yet, the chapter hasn't ended yet. Hmmm.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Aww, poor boy.. ): He's still so small with such a big heart.


So uh, Mosi, how are you planning to survive, like you wondered yourself? I'm guessing Bibi will help, but is Mosi just assuming that? He must be too heartbroken to think too clearly about this now. Love the cameo to Paa and the others, I see the female antelope (forgot her name rn) supporting him, love is probably in the air for Paa (if he can recover from that nasty wound that is...) Looks like Kafil genuinely feels bad, I wonder what he plans to do.

The Fluffy Birdcat

"I'll bring her Chui's head. Then she'll be proud of me!"


I really don't think Mosi should be making such a life-changing decision like that. Mosi's judgement is still too clouded from Binti's death. This is the same leopard cub that tried to attack a full grown lion moments ago and if Bibi and Faida weren't there, Mosi and Bibi would have been seriously hurt. He still needs some time.


I was wondering if that was what Bibi was trying to talk him out of doing in the animatic from last week.

The Fluffy Birdcat

Fifth panel: Well, well, well... if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. Anyway, I hope Kafil has fun being stuck all alone on the same side of the river as Chui. Sweet dreams, you striped ass!

Silver Huskey

In that 5th panel Chui seems to be following Kafil. I wonder if he's crossing the river too, or if his herd gave him the boot? As for Mosi, this is a terrible idea. The parallels to Chui are one thing, but him living on his own as an injured cub when he DOES have a mother to return to? That's rough. It's a shame too. One conversation would have revealed that Africa is the one who ended Sabra and avenged Binti's death. And she's taking care of Mondo because he's innocent in all of this and deserves a chance to live. On top of that she's been worried sick about Mosi.


I didn't even notice the detail that Kafil hasn't crossed the river, we can also see that one poor zebra didn't make it. He likely wasn't allowed to cross alongside them, or just hesitated too much on his own. Chui shouldn't be able to take on an adult zebra by himself though (he only got the leader because Kafil injured him first) but maybe Kafil has realised what an he ass he was and becomes suicidal? Maybe we get a flashback to what happened with them too, we'll see.

Lilette Lacaden

Mufufufu looks like the river crossing didn’t come without casualties…


I need to shake some sense into Mosi. He's clearly grieving, and grief truly can make people do things in other circumstances wouldn't do. And Mosi needs someone to take all the guilt of his suffering to move on and fight it. And he also is taking that guilt ON himself for not being able to stand for his sister -when he didn't need to, he's a CUB against an adult lion-. 'Thus, not allowing himself to return to Africa, punishing himself in the process. When he just truly needs his mother. Child, Mondo is just a cub, he is not to be blamed of his mother's sins, neither you are to be blamed for anything orz A lot of thought went here, I'm just feeling so bad for my fav leopard family ;;;


You know what? I'm okay with this note. I'm not sure if this is wise for Mosi, but it doesn't seem like he's vengeful. At the very least, he's not dismissing his mom from his life completely.

Silver Huskey

Towards Kafil's rump. You'll see a glowing pair of eyes and the glow from his collar.


At the end of the last page I thought that Mosi was going to hurt Mondo. But he only meant that he's going to live alone. Poor Mosi :(