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Ever had a burning question regarding my comics and books, Chakra, Africa and Azarian Stories?

Well, now you can ask my characters directly, and they will answer you in their own words!

To play, simply name the character you'd like to ask, and then type your question.

One of your questions also has a chance to be turned into a small, fun sketch!


*Keep questions SFW please!

*It's the characters' duty to maintain their answers spoiler free! :D

Have fun, and thanks for the support! <3



Paa, did you over hear Chui saying that Kafil made a deal with him?

Caroline Green

Chui mother did ever regret abandoning your son and why did you ?


Mondo, what do you think of your new mom compared to your real mom?

Johnna Huisman

Hey Paa, how has herd life been? With Kafil not being the best leader do you feel able to take charge if you need to? You’ve certainly become much more brave and mature very quickly.

Rachael Jokerst

Binti, what would you tell mosi right now?


Hey, Nia, what do you think of Paa? Pretty unique for a gazelle, isn't he?

The Fluffy Birdcat

Kafil, do you feel remorse for any of the things you've done?

The Fluffy Birdcat

Safari, do you meow or chirp? I've seen cheetahs do both.


Baba Bess.. What did the Hyenas do to you that made you go so vertical so fast...?