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...And we finally come full circle.

Whew, took a while, but I'm honestly really happy with how this section of the comic came along, and I hope it helps clarify Mosi's reaction and future motivations.

Setting up foreshadowings early in the comic hopefully paid off, and we'll see where his story goes from here.

Also whoops, it looks like something else slipped into the page upload. I promise it's nothing special. 👀 Coming soon...

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




ARVEN. Don't tell me Mosi plans on killing Mondo...


Dammit Mosi… listen to bibi


Oh noes, poor Mosi :( on a brighter note, the animatic looks amazing!!!


I spy a small continuation error, didn't Africa lie facing the other way before? And man, looks like some people's guess that Mosi would want to kill Mondo were true, poor guy got really deep in revenge mode now. :( And wow that animation looks dope! I wonder if it means we're getting a time jump to older Mosi or it's just meant as a spin-off of sorts. Time will tell!

Stephanie Titarenko

Mosi, please, it isn't Mondo's fault that his mother got your sister killed and you attacked any more than it's YOUR fault that Africa pounced on Sabra and inadvertently set her revenge into motion. He is innocent in this, and doesn't deserve to be punished for events he had no control over. :( Mosi of course is still a child so it makes sense that he would think and act like one, but I really wish he could learn from Sabra's demonstration that hate is like a hot coal you hold that burns only you and the path of revenge is the path to ruin that can get you killed fast ( he would already be dead if it weren't for Bibi ). It's a tragic situation all around, and yes, the foreshadowing was set up beautifully but it's still painful to watch. Mosi had been one of my favorite characters. Now he is just a bitter, anger-and-rage filled cub who won't listen to the good advice of others ( Bibi made an excellent point about there probably being a good explanation ) and is trying to grow up too fast. Africa's parenting, as shown in one of the panels here, only made it worse. If that little sneak-peak is anything to go by it looks like Bibi will probably end up raising him while her advice to not take things at face-value and maybe not try to kill an innocent cub goes right over his head. If nothing changes, I'm not sure who will be worse when he is an adult, him or Chui. He is making the same mistake Sabra did.


Literally gasped out loud at the ending, I’m so excited for wherever this goes!

The Fluffy Birdcat

Dang it Bibi! Go get Africa!!! Right now!!!! Or I'm gonna crap a cinder block and throw it at you!!!


Man I knew it… mosi is going to be a villain isn’t he…




Mosi most likely doesn't know that Sabra is dead, so I'm guessing he wants to kill Mondo to get that revenge for Binti, especially after he realised he can't do anything towards Bes or the lions. He probably realised it works out better to kill her small kitten.


Ikr, she should have just run to Africa and be all "Hey your son is being a little shit, but he's over there! Go get him before he attempts suicide by storming at a lion again. For my sanity too please!" Bibi, I know you want to respect Mosi, but telling Africa would really be the best course of action here..

Rachael Jokerst

Do t do this mosi… this is t you, this is your pain talking. Don’t let it define you.

Stephanie Titarenko

Hmn, I hadn't thought about that angle before. Although, if he doesn't know Sab is dead now, I'm wondering how he avoids finding out for so long. Even if he continues to avoid his mother if he or Bibi talk to the hyenas much they're most likely going to learn. I mean, you would think the subject would come up, given the trauma Mosi just lived through and his ( justified ) hatred of Sabra. The teaser animation shows Bibi with him as an adolescent/young adult, and judging by his sour expression he is still bitter and probably hasn't gotten his revenge yet or been made to understand why Africa took Mondo in.