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Mosi comforts Bibi before they both pass out. D: And we see Faida in action again, from another angle! All the pieces are coming together.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Faida ran by but had too much to deal with. I hope that he didn't show up until later means he was with Bibi and the caracal really will be okay.


Oh gods! Bibi! Ohh no no no.. poor Bibi! 💔


Bibi is bleeding alot, since the scratch seem to be in the neck area,I hope Bes scratch havent cut a major blood vessel since is a sensitive area.


At least Bibi snapped Mosi out of his blind hatred state, hopefully she'll be fine. And well, his and Africa's situations are really the same, down to them passing out. I still remember Arven mentioning that the wild dogs will show up soon so that makes me wonder if they're gonna be Mosi's version of the hyenas watching over them.

Ghostly Grizzly

If Bibi dies I will flip a table my heart cannot take anymore sadness 😭💔

The Fluffy Birdcat

Everyone, I have some extra Molotov cocktails for when the riot starts. Anyone want some?