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Someone left a mark on Bes...! :D

But oof Bes, keep your darn paws to yourself already! Dx

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Noooo!!! If Bibi dies I'll never eat onions again.


Oh no!! BIBI!!


Please just be a wound, please just be a wound. ;;


Nooo I swear if she dies :c


Didn't Bibi go to get the hyenas? How did she come back so quickly?




This takes place right before Bes gets stuck up a tree by the hyenas.


My heart will break if she dies

Stephanie Titarenko

Everyone's worried about Bibi ( and I am too ), but I'm more worried about what on Earth is going on in Mosi's head right now. Like, how could he expect this to accomplish anything but him dying instantly? Odds are he wouldn't have even -scratched- Bes before getting his ticket punched and then Binti would have died in vain ( she gave her life for him, after all ). Even if he did manage to do some tiny bit of damage to Bes he had to have known it wouldn't have done the lion any serious or lasting harm. And it would have cost him his life. I can't even commend his bravery here. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity and this pushes into the territory of the latter. I get that he is enraged, and being enraged clouds one's judgment, but wow. Just, wow. O.o I am shocked that he actually attacked Bes. Didn't think he was suicidal ( or cared so little about his life, as the case may be ). All this is made worse by the fact that Bibi got hurt --and possibly worse -- protecting him. All because he was either very delusional or decided to go kamikaze. We know that Mosi indeed survives this encounter, but then he goes on to get enraged all over again when he sees his mom with Mondo, to the point of storming off without even confronting her about it. Our boy has some serious anger issues, and I can't say I'm liking the new him. Some anger is understandable, of course, in light of everything that happened. He has every right and good reason to be p***ed at Sabra and the lions, especially Bes. But he appears to be letting it consume him the way Sabra did and that road leads only to ruin. He also isn't thinking clearly or he would have realized there were other, better ways to get back at Bes than just charging in blindly and getting killed in one blow ( which would have happened, in all likelihood, had Bibi not shot in at the last moment to knock him off-course and absorb some of the blow ). This is an excellent page, as always, and rather shocking. I hope for the best for both Mosi and Bibi, but right now I'm very frustrated with Mosi. I get that he is a kid and that kids famously don't always make the best choices, especially when very upset, but it should have still been obvious to him that attacking the behemoth lion that killed his sister and is like, 100x his size was a bad idea. Even if he doesn't care whether he lives or dies at this point he needs to remember that Binti did, and that him throwing his life away would mean her sacrifice was in vain.

Melody Williamson

Man everyone is getting ripped to shreds lately


If he dies I would be eating all the onions in revenge.
