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Good ol' Safari saves the day <3

And it looks like Mosi was actually there while the fight took place, we even get a specific moment in time when he approached!

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Rachael Jokerst

I see the bit of his ear binti got. Atta girl


Omg he really was there too!!! The whole gang saw it


Good lord, I love you Mosi, but why on earth would you attempt such a thing. Did he just become suicidal in the "I'll harm Bes as much as possible before he kills me" way?


Mosi is not paying much attention or he would see his mom's throat in a lion's jaws.

Brittany Beard

Things are happening so fast now! It feels like we're barreling toward some momentous moment as all the threads intersect.

Rachael Jokerst

Grief can do some crazy things to your brain. He’s got tunnel vision because in his mind this lion took everything from him. His mom, his sister and his very health. Given what we saw from africas point of view he’s either going to lose his chance when the hyenas show up and chase him up a tree or he’s going to snap out of it when he sees his mom in trouble


I thought he was gonna go after Sabra but in his mind right now he's probably thinking of attacking both of them, all sense be damned.


Not sure what Mosi plans to do to make them “not know what hit them”.