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Mosi finally understands, and it hurts worse than any wound could.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Mosi be careful!


Hmm we saw before that Sabra expected Mosi to be in the bushes at the same time Africa was there, so it doesn't look like they'll hear him here? I wonder if he either stops himself just short of them hearing/seeing him, or someone else shows up to stop him. Oh god, please don't say Bibi shows up to stop him, but she gets seen and attacked instead. Thankfully most of my guesses have been wrong so I hope that's another one xD


I'm, unfortunately, VERY certain Bibi is already dead...


How interesting. It explains a little more on why he behaved when he saw Mondo a little more. Just a hunch, but perhaps when he saw his mother with the child of Binti’s ultimate cause of death; well. This sets up some nice things now doesn’t it xD

Citrus Rind

I'm curious to see if Mosi will witness (and more importantly hear) his mom learn the truth in the coming pages and if that anger n hurt we saw before is directed squarely at Mondo rather than at him and Africa. Either way tho, poor kiddo. Sabra's lucky Africa took her out so quickly.

Stephanie Titarenko

I feel like I'm the only one not worried others will hear him. His last speech bubble doesn't look like a true speech bubble: there is no tail pointing to his mouth, meaning he didn't SAY but rather THOUGHT it. Also he was shown to be a fair distance away from these guys and obviously lives to find Africa later. As for Bibi, she went to Gorigor swamp. Why would she even be in the area? As I understand that place is not super-close.


Hopefully he stays sane and doesn't grow up to be a serval serial killer.

The Fluffy Birdcat

Sighs. Goes into the back yard, opens a trap door, and descends a ladder. The ladder leads to Hell where Scar from "The Lion King" is on "welcome duty". Sabra is arguing with Scar about whether she belongs in Hell or not, acting like a total Karen. I run up and punt her in the face, sending her flying down a very deep chasm with lava and fire at the bottom. "Take that you evil, spiteful bitch!!!" I then turn to Scar who looks confused. "Sorry. It had to be done." I then climb back up the ladder and go about my day.


as the eldest sibling of 3 sisters, and currently living at home with the youngest, I really felt that page, the pain Mosi has, the pure hatred, if something happened to my sisters I would do the unspeakable for sure. You portrayed that very well, it really echoed with me and I love how much it shows Mosi cared so much for Binti




Mosi! Mosi! Mosi! I am horrified and riled at the same time! This comic is gripping and suspenseful. :D