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Yeyyy first sketch of december!

Sorry if this isn't the usual sketchdump. I figured that with the Christmas Special going on, there's going to be quite a lot of sketches to make, and they wouldn't possibly all fit in a single page and still retain good quality.

For this reason, I'll be posting the sketches as I make them, just for this month :D

This was requested by Cpat, who asked for a hypothetical version of Aznor as an adult, if he had managed to escape slavery. I pictured him as a rough, seasoned traveller, with torn clothes and a full travelling bag, not to mention several weapons to protect himself from thieves and wild animals. I also gave him a couple more scars, that he gained who knows how :D I hope you like this more mature interpretation of him :)

Once again, thank you so much for the support! Also, $5+ patrons, if you haven't done so yet, you can request your sketch for December on this post! https://www.patreon.com/posts/upcoming-for-5-7427617




Merci, Aznor est bien plus badass comme ça en effet. Cela correspond bien l’image que je me suis fait des humains strays dans le monde d’Athar : des individus très endurcis et rudes. Et du coup, le rite de passage des jeunes Azaras ne doit pas être si simple que ça.


Mais de rien! J'ai adoré le dessiner! Voilà, le rite de passage n'est vraiment pas une épreuve facile, surtout lors qu'on essaie de capturer un humain adulte. Voilà pourquoi on impose aux jeunes Azaras de capturer un humain à leur m^me niveau d'expérience (et possiblement au m^me age). Les jeunes Azaras qui réussissent à capturer un humain adulte sont considérés des prodiges.