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Three. hundred.

We have reached three hundred pages of Africa! This calls for celebration! Yeeee *throws confetti*

Reaching such a huge milestone is always an incredible feeling, and I'm seriously grateful to all of you for sticking around for so long and following the story <3 I hope you enjoy more Africa pages as they come along!

For now, Mosi's flashback ends as he puts 2 and 2 together on who Sabra really is.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Rachael Jokerst

Traitorous rat gets her comupins soon enough

Ghostly Grizzly

This page is so intense! D: Would you ever consider doing one big printed book at the end? I’ve been buying every chapter but I would definitely buy the omnibus as well lol

Melody Williamson

I have no object permanence. I got so confused when it switched from flashback to current time.


It's not your fault haha, I admit it was an abrupt transition xD


Thank you so much for your support, I truly appreciate it! And I'd definitely love to! One big book at the end with all the chapters in it, to bring the story full circle, maybe even with some extra content and concept art toward the end :D


I just don’t get why Africa felt bad about killing her when she remembered what happened to her. I know that she isn’t aware of all of what we’re seeing in this page, but Sabra not only was trying to kill another one of her kids but she was actively attempting to kill Safari! She should of told Faida that.


It's true that Sabra was awful to her, both behind her back and straight in front of her. I'd say the reason Africa felt bad, is that Sabra is also a mother, and (in Africa's experience), she was fairly close friends with Faida, who offered shelter. So she avoided mentioning killing her in front of Faida, afraid it might upset her :)


I hope she doesn’t have the same mindset when Mondo has to learn the truth. Kids gotta know the real reason why he was orphaned.

Silver Huskey

I suppose after hearing all that from Sabra and putting it together, it makes more sense on why Mosi was so angry at seeing Africa taking care of Mondo. Sabra used him and Binti as a way to ensure her own kit would survive.


Mosi is lucky he didn't outright lose his eye! (Next to not dying of course.) What someone else said, this is likely the scariest/most graphic page of the comic, especially as it's a little cub being mauled ;_; Mosi deserves the longest, most loving cuddles from Africa whenever they should manage to reunite T_T


Broh I won't lie for a terrifying second I had a terrible theory that I ended up disproving myself but I had to share: Seeing Mosi put the pieces together here (realizing Sabra and the Lions conspired, then later seeing Africa with Mondo) for a split second made me think that maybe Mosi wasn't upset at seeing Africa with another cub. It was that he put more (false) pieces together and thought to himself "Mom never left to fight Chui. She had Sabra and the lions do the dirty work and tried to off me and Binti, and replaced us with the enemy's child". But then I remembered that he knows that she's searching for him and that she called for him and that killed that idea thankfully. Even still, my boi is so smart, so I'm seriously hoping he'll see whatever he assumes of Africa was all a misunderstanding. I'm excited to see where this goes; your story has a white-knuckled grip on me man I'm telling you ;w;

The Fluffy Birdcat

Sabra you bitch. No respect for anyone. Her fate was well-deserved.


Mosi looks so old here, my poor child..


Hooray for 300!