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The bravery of this little man ;_;

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




This hurts. I could see why he'd blame himself already but to see he said this to her and Bes probably deliberately targeted her afterwards....


Mosi, honey TT__TT You really nailed his 'terrified but trying to look brave' expression in the last panel. I'm gonna pretend it's canon that Bes got haunted by Binti's ghost afterwards now.

Michelle Koenders

Damn, Bes ain’t smiling, he means business!


Bes is so dumb. Can't even tell a female leapord from a male one. Smh


I don't think it'd matter much either way sadly. A leopard is a leopard, therefore still competition in his territory. They'd probably still go after Africa and her cubs regardless.




Oh.. My... God... Mosi! you brave lad... ahh

The Fluffy Birdcat

*Dramatically steps into the frame with a 12-gauge pump action shotgun and racks it menacingly.* Back off, Onion Boy!


Points for Mosi's effort.


Same with how male leopards don't hang out with their cubs, but it's no surprise Bes wouldn't think of that either.

Brittany Beard

He thinks Chui is their dad? This explains some things. it also makes me wonder if our boy will over hear this 'fact' while he eavesdrops. I wonder if he'll try and find Chui! Would Chui accept him if he thought Africa had abandoned him like his own mother rejected him?

The Fluffy Birdcat

I thought about that. Everything Chui does has an ulterior motive though. Likely he'd try to twist and warp Mosi's mind even more just to spite Africa.

Rachael Jokerst

Either way none of this bodes well for mosi or Africa and now mondo can get drug into this too and he can barely walk