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Hello everyone and welcome to October's Sketch of The Month! :D

This month's winner was Rachael, who asked for Binti as a ghost, haunting Bes and making him pay for what he did! And with spooky season upon us, this was he perfect sketch to turn into a full color pic xD

It looks like Bes is quite scared of her, that's one more reason for him to work on his cardio xD

Here you can see the original sketch: https://www.patreon.com/posts/september-22-72251246

And here you can find the .PSD file of this painting! (Patrons $10 and over!) https://www.patreon.com/posts/73137155

Thank you so much again for your support hhh!

I can't wait for November's Sketch of the Month!




This is amazing ahaha :"DD And fits the October/Halloween mood too, that's so right!!


Baba Bes is so plump xD I love it


Suitable for Halloween. ;) Hah, hope Bes will have some sleepless nights!