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Just because he was injured, doesn't mean Mosi gets a free pass for saying silly things. Luckily Bibi is there to knock some sense into him. 

Our boi finally tries to walk after lying around for so long <3 

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Awwww and then he sees his mum with the other kitten :( no wonder he was so upset, he already believed he wasn't wanted


Glad the angry face wasn't Bibi getting hateful with the kiddo.


Can I just say that Bibi has become my favourite character tied with Safari? Love those two caring kitties


Bibi really is working to make up for having a hand (paw) in all this and I love her for it.


Love Mosi's determined look in the last panel. There you go, get up! &lt;3


Bibi is excellent mom material. She’s really helping Mosi and we all know what’s coming. I hope Bibi can continue to mentor him.


That'd be ironic if Africa adopted Mondo and Bibi adopted Mosi, lol.


Daww thank you so much!! They have a big heart ❤️❤️


I feel like Bibi makes a better sister than a mother. Forget having a big sister. I wanna BIBI sister!

Brittany Beard

I'm sorry for doubting you, Bibi! Please, talk some sense into him.


poor lad is gonna see his mum with mondo and get the wrong idea as we saw before. whats gonna happen to mosi? i dont want him to go down a chui sort of path. become the next big villain.