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Bibi tries to help! With... varying results.

You may notice these aren't the same people who took Chui. The Maasai are pastoral people native to Kenya and Tanzania, and they famously inhabit the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and the crater where the story takes place.

Mosi doesn't really seem to care who they are though, does he xD

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Oh I was completely expecting the people that took chui.


Well, this may actually work out BETTER than it did for Chui. He won’t have a radio collar but it looks like the Maasai people will help him.


Man, great expressions of terror on Mosi. And ooh tribe people?? That was unexpected!


Poor Mosi....Hes so scared..


hehehe get yoinked idiot


Wait. Are those natives? I know where we are, but that wasn't the group of people I was expecting to be that dog's owner.

Brittany Beard

Poor baby, let them help you!


This is awesome! I love how much research you put into this comic to make it as realistic (locationally, culturally, etc) as possible! I can't wait to see how these humans help, and if Mosi learns that not all humans are bad. Maybe he uses this experience to defeat Chui later on somehow? hmmmm


Oh Mosi! Poor baby, he's a fighter. Also, Bibi looks beautifully drawn! Caracals need much love.

