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Mosi's fateful encounter!

This page took for.... ever to make, oof! All those leaves xP

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Ghostly Grizzly

Oh my gosh I wonder if he’s gonna be similar to Chui o_o




Oh no! It’s the murder monkeys!!


The way this story keeps alluding to humans but never outright shows them (yet?) reminds me of the movie Happy Feet, it had a very similar thing going on and didn't show humans until near the end (I know we saw hands and cars but never a full person). The way Mosi sees the silhouettes here also has a very "meeting aliens" vibe that Happy Feet did. Curios if we're actually gonna see them now or the scene cuts away again, it feels like a cliffhanger for Mosi.

Silver Huskey

I'm still convinced that he becomes taken, even if only for a brief period of time. Another page or so and we'll see. :D


you're right omg I never really noticed that about Happy Feet until now xD and I love that (so far) both Africa and Happy Feet portray humans as this alien species because we are, in fact, rather alien to animals, especially non-domesticated wild ones. Even certain birds, squirrels, deer, etc may get used to us if they live near us, but wild leopards definitely don't get anywhere near as comfortable with us!