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This page was a pain to make. I really wanted those emotions to rush through.

I hope it didn't disappoint :)

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili




Ouh là ! Ouh là là ! Ouh là là là ! Quelque chose me dit que ce qui ce passe en dernière case est autrement plus sérieux que l’accrochage en page 49 et 50. En tout cas encore une page magnifique.


Oh man this is butt-clenching dramatic! So glad Africa got there in time, but Chui is so much larger than her :( she's gonna get quite the beating


NNNGH thank you! This page was so painful to draw XD Yeah, sadly Africa is at all kinds of disadvantages right now D8


Ohoho ça pourrait bien atre le cas! XD Merci beaucoup :D