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The turns have tabled. It looks like Mosi was the one who didn't want to rejoin his mother straight away.

I'm sorry if this hasn't been conveyed well enough in previous pages / chapters. Mosi has nothing but respect and admiration for his mother and desperately wants to impress her.

Africa often scolds him for going off doing his own thing, as it's dangerous out there and she wants to protect him.

But with recent events, Mosi believes Binti's death was his responsibility, and that by letting her die, he disobeyed his mother's orders. So now he's terrified of how Africa may react.

And there goes another foreshadowing that's been a really long time coming! The words spoken by Africa in panel 5, were from a page posted back in 2015. Patience is really rewarding sometimes <3

LAST TWENTY DAYS to PREORDER the PRINTED VERSION of Chapter Four! Hurry before it closes!

Please head over to this post for more info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/africa-chapter-68468754

REMEMBER!! Everyone who is currently a Patron during the preorder will have their name featured in the printed comic!

As always, thank you SO so much for your fantastic support, this comic would not be possible without all of you! <3

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Silver Huskey

Oh no. Was Mosi so ashamed of what Africa might say or think that he stopped their chances of reuniting sooner?


Oooooof!!!! He has that much guilt on his shoulders about his sisters death being his fault and disobeying Africa. He is ashamed of disappointing her and when he feels finally brave enough to face her....finds himself "replaced". Poor boy.

Rachael Jokerst

Oh no baby, your mom just wants to find you


oh awwwwww Mosi noooo... this isn't the same situation, lil guy!!! you tried and you did everything you could :( really hoping he doesn't end up turning evil after seeing Africa helping Mondo stay alive! maybe he and Bibi will become friends and survive together? that'd be kinda sweet


Poor baby TT__TT I wonder what convinced him to try and reunite with Africa later then.. We saw Bibi's shadow before in some panels with Africa (I remember at least one panel before Africa finds her mother), so maybe Bibi told Mosi that "I found your mom, she's so worried about you and don't look mad at all") in order to convince him.


Why is Mosi coming to all the bad conclusions? Why????


I feel Mosi so much. My poor baby…


"Oh, what will your mother think...?" And it explains somewhat his reaction to Africa nursing Mondo...he thinks she's mad enough to find a "better" replacement


He fears she'd blame him for his sister's death just as Chui's mom did for his siblings ... It's natural for a child to think this way (if my world is not safe it's because of me and not the others, because if the others aren't safe for me than I don't know what or who to trust) but I'm so mad at Chui's mom for what she did to him ...
