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Ever had a burning question regarding my comics and books, Chakra, Africa and Azarian Stories?

Well, now you can ask my characters directly, and they will answer you in their own words!

To play, simply name the character you'd like to ask, and then type your question.

One of your questions also has a chance to be turned into a small, fun sketch!


*Keep questions SFW please!

*It's the characters' duty to maintain their answers spoiler free! :D

Have fun, and thanks for the support! <3


Caroline Green

Sahara are you disappointed of your granddaughter Africa looking after mondo?


Faida-what were the names of your pups? What made you decide against having more?


Mosi - do you want cubs when you're older? If so, do you want to stay with them, unlike other father leopards?


Baba bess. Do you have any cubs? If so.. do you cub sit?


Chui : If you could be reunited with your mom and sibling, what would you tell them ?

Sorren R.

Africa/Chui: how would you have done it differently walking in each other’s paw prints?

Zachary J. Dom

Iza/Urbeth: How have things been in your household since Aznor joined it? Are you used to having him around?


Sahara: "It's definitely unusual and nothing remotely like what I taught my daughter. I only hope that Africa is strong enough to face this challenge head-on."


Faida: https://www.patreon.com/posts/70603105?pr=true :D


Mosi: "I would want cubs for sure. Despite everything that happened, I want my mother's bloodline to be carried on. I don't think it would be too bad to be a father, would it? :)"


Bes: "I do! It's these two wimps, ahem, valuable additions, Bast and Anput. Never did cub sit them though, I was too busy... uh, sleeping."


Africa: "I would have never accepted Chui's challenge. I should have been more resolute and chased him off at the first chance I got." Chui: "If I'd fathered her cubs sooner I could have saved myself a lot of work DX"


Iza: "He's a sweetheart. He has completely changed my mind about humans, at least humans like him. He's a member of the family now." Urbeth: "I still haven't gotten used to the smell, but he is useful most of the time, and the kids love him."