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Bibi has always been one of my favorite supporting characters. She is anxious and a bit cowardly, but she has a heart of gold.

This is the LAST MONTH to PREORDER the PRINTED VERSION of Chapter Four! Hurry before it closes!

Please head over to this post for more info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/africa-chapter-68468754

REMEMBER!! Everyone who is currently a Patron during the preorder will have their name featured in the printed comic!

As always, thank you SO so much for your fantastic support, this comic would not be possible without all of you! <3

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Awe Bibi trying to make up for her mistakes.

Rachael Jokerst

Good girl bibi. It’s a start


I remember thinking Bibi was male. Thanks for clearing that up xD Well done, Bibi.


Hahah it's no worries xD She doesn't look particularly feminine, and in an initial draft of the comic, she was indeed male xD


Bibiii &lt;33 I love this page so much!

Silver Huskey

Bibi is surprisingly kind. If Mosi doesn't return to Africa, I wonder if she'll help him out?


Yes. Feel guilty Bibi. You deserve to feel bad

Jean Chandler

I feel for Bibi. They're all victims of Chui. He manipulated Bibi's emotions regarding Africa and then threatened her life when he went back on his own word. Bibi is a smaller feline on this food chain. They did what they thought was best for their own survival. You can't fault them for that. They feel guilt and want to try something to rectify the damages. As much as Bibi didn't care for Africa, I want to assume death/serious harm wasn't what they were intending for her or her cubs.


Ahh Bibi! 1 I missed ya. 2. awwwe! just a fantastic page.


Maybe because of Disney and other studios making animal movies we automatically think a fictional animal is male if they're not given eyelashes or other outright feminine traits, which is dumb when you think of it (which reminds me how I love Tigress' design in Kung Fu Panda who is an exception to this). I won't be assuming other characters' gender in this comic anymore either xD


aww :( I hope Bibi's really trying to make amends here and not trick him any more... though based on the fact Mosi was well enough to travel back to Africa so soon after the attack I'm going to assume she's got good intentions!