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Mosi heard a noise... D: Who is it??

Sneak peek from page 280! Stay tuned tomorrow for the page! :D



Bethany Clark

I'm betting it's Bibi!!


if it is, shes probably gonna poison his mind with lies. probably say something about africa being happy to replace him, hence his slinking away after seeing mondo.


That's true, didn't we occasionally see Bibi in the background of some pages? I wonder what the deal is with him.


I wonder if he's hearing Africa return

Syrus Coy

I want to say... Maybe a certain hyena...

Brittany Beard

He looks terrified :( I'd like to think he's hearing someone friendly like the painted dogs but I have a gut-wrenching feeling this encounter will only end with him being more hurt.


Oh boy, he got so spooked his pelt went white!