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Sorry for the delay, there was an issue with publishing the tiers for the preorder! They should be live now! Thank you all for checking them out <3

Here we goooo! Chapter Four of Africa is finally going on print ahhh!!

Honestly, I can't stress enough how much of a milestone this is! The comic has been going on for almost ten years now (since July 2013!), and it's so incredible that we were able to reach four chapters, let alone print them all!! Seriously thank you, YOU are the reason this is possible and I'll never be able to express how incredibly grateful I am!! <3

So! Chapter Four of Africa just concluded and is currently being prepped for printing as we speak! And with this post, preorders to buy the printed comic are officially OPEN!

Here are some guidelines when preordering:

-Similar to last time, there is a dedicated tier to pledge to if you'd like to preorder the comics! Except this time, I have opened two new Preorder Tiers depending on what you'd like! 

- The Bookworm Band tier! New Patrons & Patrons below $30, please use this tier to preorder Chapter Four! :D It's enough to pledge to this tier just once / for just one month in order to preorder the comic, it's ok to cancel/edit your tier afterwards. If you wish to stay on this tier after preordering, you are welcome to and there will be personalized art rewards waiting for you the following months! ^_^

- The Dragon's Booklair! Please use this tier to preorder Chapter Four TOGETHER with all the previous chapters, One, Two and Three! :D For readers who would like to get the full series so far! As said above, it's enough to pledge to this tier just once / for just one month in order to preorder the comic, it's ok to cancel/edit your tier afterwards. And again, if you wish to stay on this tier after preordering, you are welcome to as there will be juicy art rewards for you as well!

-Preorders will be exclusive to Patreon! The comic will become available to everyone else afterwards, but throughout July and August, only Patrons will be able to order it.

-Preordered comic come with an Africa-themed bookmark and an exclusive, one-of-a-kind traditional sketch of one of the characters from the comic! The sketch will be signed by me and will have your name on it! :D (it can be a username too if preferred, or the name of a loved one if you're looking to make a gift!)

-Everyone who's a Patron by the end of August, will also have their name IN the printed comic itself in a special thank-you section! Patrons $20 and above will have an additional highlight!

-Preorders will last until August 31st, the comics are set to be completed by September which is when they will start shipping out to everyone who preordered.

-If you are looking to preorder more than one copy of Chapter Four (eg as a gift for a friend), feel free to contact me and we can arrange this :)

-For Patrons who are already pledging above $30, you are automatically able to receive a copy of Chapter Four, because your pledge covers the cost of it! If you'd like, you have the option to swap one of your art rewards for this month for a printed copy of Chapter Four! This would of course just be for the current month, while preorders are active. Starting from next month, you will receive your regularly scheduled Patreon reward(s) as always! If interested, I will contact you privately for your shipping information so I can prepare the package! If you don't want the comic, that is ok too! You will keep receiving your monthly rewards as usual :)

***$40 tier: You can choose to swap your rendered half-body artwork for this month for a copy of Chapter Four shipped to you! And as an added bonus, the traditional sketch that comes with it will be of YOUR character instead of mine! :D

***$60 tier: You can choose to swap your reward for this month for a copy of Chapter Four, PLUS a black & white digital sketch to cover the value of your tier! And as an added bonus, the traditional sketch that comes with the comic will be of YOUR character instead of mine! :D

***$80 tier: You can choose to swap your halfbody with background for this month for a copy of Chapter Four, PLUS a rendered halfbody artwork without bg to cover the value of your tier! And as an added bonus, the traditional sketch that comes with the comic will be of YOUR character instead of mine! :D

***$100 tier: You can choose to swap your bi-monthly comic page for a copy of Chapter Four, PLUS a digital fullbody comic-style painting of one character with background, to cover the value of your tier! (or it can also be multiple smaller paintings! Let's get in touch and come to an arrangement! ^_^) And as an added bonus, the traditional sketch that comes with the comic will be of YOUR character instead of mine! :D

***$400 tier: You can choose to swap your rendered half-body artwork for this month for a copy of Chapter Four shipped to you! And as an added bonus, the traditional sketch that comes with it will be of YOUR character instead of mine! :D All other art rewards for your tier including the two monthly comic pages, stay the same!

-Comic specs: A5 format (15 x 21 cm, 5.9 x 8.3 in), 84 full color pages

Language: ENGLISH and ITALIAN available

I think that covers pretty much everything! If you have any questions, or if I missed out on anything, please feel free to ask! :D

Thank you once again! I'm super excited for this! <3




Pledged~ can't wait! I like to wait to receive the physical versions before reading anything. How I resist - I have no idea. Keep up the great work Arven! :D


yoooo i love the new logo its awesome

The Fluffy Birdcat

Lol I literally only just noticed the leopard rump at the bottom of the picture.


... Okay, I have to say it: Great Cover, but Africa's butt at that angle is very distracting. XD


Is there a way to order the other chapters as well?


Thank you so much for upping your pledge and ordering the chapter, ahh! ❤️ ❤️ And yes there is! To order all the other chapters too, you can pledge to the $50 tier ("The Dragon's Booklair") :) Because you are already pledged to the $30 tier, when changing tier you will only be charged the difference ($20) ^_^


Thank you so so much Sarabi!! ^_^ I'm so excited for you to receive it!! And rofl that is definitely not easy haha, I commend your patience xD


Great news! The cover looks epic! I'm interested in the option of swaping my half-body reward for July for the sketch. :)


Eee thank you so so much for your interest! I'd be super happy to send you a copy of Chapter 4! :) I'll DM you shortly for your mailing address so I can ship it to you once it's printed :) And you also still get an art reward in the form of the traditional sketch, which can be of one of your characters ^_^ Do feel free to let me know which character you'd like it to be! :D Thank you tons again, ahhh!


Not related but I just thought of something really cute - what if we got to see grown-up Mosi who, one, stayed with his cubs because he didn't want to be like other male leopards, and two, has a strawberry variant daughter he names after Binti 🥺


I'm defs jumping on the Bookworm bandwagon next month, Arven! Gotta complete my collection! :D


HHHH thank you so so much for your interest and support Nala, it means a lot!! :D


Oh hello ! Is it still possible to be added for a preorder of chapter four ^^ ?


Haiii there Aywen! Yes absolutely, I'll be super happy to send you a copy! :D At any time, feel free to DM me with your mailing address so I can ship it once it's ready, and the traditional sketch that comes with the comic cn be one of your characters! :D Feel free to let me know who you'd like me to draw as well! :D Thank you so so much aa! :D