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There we go. It was feared, it was predicted, and unfortunately it happened :(

Upon seeing Africa with Mondo, Mosi hurtfully walks away... and this chapter concludes on a painful note :C

Don't go anywhere just yet though, because of course Africa is still going! :D The comic will take a short, one-week break to finalize the upcoming script and we'll get straight back into business the Wednesday after, June 22nd, with the first page of Chapter Five! 

Not only that, but starting from July, PREORDERS will open for the PRINTED VERSION of the chapter that just concluded, Chapter Four! That's right, another Africa chapter is getting printed, ahhh! And like last time, everyone who is currently a Patron during the preorder will have their name featured in the printed comic!

Among other neat things of course! ;) Definitely stay tuned, this is going to be a hype couple of months coming!!

And as always, thank you SO so much for your fantastic support, this comic would not be possible without all of you! <3

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Koco Wong



Noooooo! (I know this is half the comments, but no other words sums up my feels right now. D: )

The Fluffy Birdcat

No no no! I refuse to accept this! Mosi will come back, the drought will go away, the rains will return, Kafil will be exiled, Paa will become the new leader of the herd, Chui will get hit by a speeding freight train, and everyone will live happily ever after.

Syrus Coy

Ya... I was worried this was going to happen.

Brittany Beard

Oh, poor baby. This isn't going to be healthy for him. Last he knew Africa was headed to confront Chui - does he think she had his cub instead? I'm not sure the poor baby really knows how the birds and bees work yet.


Nooo, I feared this would happen but it breaks my heart ;A;


the one thing i feared to happen is happening 😭


I was afraid of this! Nooo, Mosi, come back!

Rich Creations

I bet he thinks she went and had more kids with Chui to replace them ;-;