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Laying your heart out is never easy, and Africa well and truly faces her biggest regrets in these pages... but Mondo can listen, and he quite literally rises to the task Africa asked of him <3

This is the first time Mondo actually takes a few steps. We've always seen him crawling and dragging himself around up until this point. The potat is sprouting <3

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Mondo is so cute. I hope we will have news of Mosi soon. Be it good or bad. Uncertainty is the worst. It must be so hard for Africa. The dilemna to be realistic and not build up expectations, yet hoping for the best and still wanting him to be alive.


As much as I love the lessons Africa learned from her cubs, I really wish we could have seen her learning those lessons in action, so to speak? As opposed to after the fact, but it's likely she didn't even realize what they taught her until they were already gone :(


Mosi became a Taken just like Chui didn't he? The foreshadowing of him reminding Africa of Chui will probably come to fruition like that, let's just hope he proves how different he is from our villain despite being so similar on the surface (assuming he actually did become a Taken of course.) Also go little funky kitten, go, roar with your heart's might :D

Jessica O'Brien

The potat is sprouting!!! Ahhhh! I love the lighting on this page and the detail of our lil tuber growing up more

Damien Eipm

I bet you could sell the last three panels on their own as a print, I'd certainly hang that on my wall


Thank you for your kind words! :D I'm flattered that you like them so much! :D

Ghostly Grizzly

I’ve been loving this arc, especially with little Mondo. Is there going to be another print volume coming soon? I’ve been collecting them as they come out :3


Thank you so so much for your kind words, and for the support! &lt;3 And yesss haha!! A new volume is on the horizon!! :D


Smol bean is ready!

