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Ever had a burning question regarding my comics and books, Chakra, Africa and Azarian Stories?

Well, now you can ask my characters directly, and they will answer you in their own words!

To play, simply name the character you'd like to ask, and then type your question.

One of your questions also has a chance to be turned into a small, fun sketch!


*Keep questions SFW please!

*It's the characters' duty to maintain their answers spoiler free! :D

Have fun, and thanks for the support! <3



Chui, have you ever fathered any other cubs aside from (attempting) to father Africa's?


Chui: "Africa was my very first attempt, I couldn't believe she said no! Clearly she doesn't have taste!!"


Africa, what is your favorite prey?


Fadia. What was your line of thinking when you thought you could rehabilitate Chui?

The Fluffy Birdcat

"Chui: "Africa was my very first attempt, I couldn't believe she said no! Clearly she doesn't have taste!!!" She does have taste. That's why she chose someone else.


Baba Bes, how many children do you have?? Any of them is the apple of your eye? 👀


Demons! Where did you all go after Juunibi was defeated? Do you still live in a group, or did you go your separate ways?

The Fluffy Birdcat

Baba Bes, why is your "former queen" your former queen?

Tiger Bazooka

Safari, have you ever pranked Africa? Er, I mean Dada.


Faida: "They were called Shani and Kijani. They were the most adorable babies. I miss them dearly, every single day."


Faida: "I was convinced I could teach him my way, and turn him into a fine hunter. Little did I know that his mind was already made up from the start."


Bes: "I have two - Bast, and Anput, the youngest lionesses in the pride. Neither is particularly bright, but they make good henchm- ahem, daughters."


Demons: "We each went our separate ways, but we still keep in contact, somehow. Kobura wanted that to happen after he became a Chakra Hero. Now we find ourselves helping the Heroes from time to time if we happen to cross paths."


Bes: "After the fight with that wretched hyena, Maat was injured and couldn't hunt for a long while, so her daughter Neith took over as lead hunter. From there, I gradually appreciated her more and more for her loyalty and companionship too, so she became the new queen."


Safari: "When we were cubs, I used to prank my sister all the time. One time I got the idea to make a dust cloud with my tail to make it look like it was about to rain. She ran straight to our shelter without looking back! I had plenty of laughs on that day!"

Emiy Pat

Giza, did you grow up with any sibling?Also, what was your mom like?