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Helloooo there, and welcome back to Ask My Characters!

This month's question was asked by kind Patron Zevanox, who asked Baba Bes a simple question with a seemingly straightforward answer... or so we thought xD

Looks like someone is gonna sleep on the couch tonight, hahah!

You're welcome to still ask questions if you'd like, my characters are always available to answer! https://www.patreon.com/posts/ask-my-april-64723271



Rachael Jokerst

But why is she the former queen? Is it because of her injury?


and we're digging... and digging... and digging some more.. poor Bess dug quite a hole.


Is it just me or does Baba Bes look like an onion with a face and legs in the third panel? 😂

Koco Wong



And I thought Scar had it bad with the Hyenas. X'D


Trying to pick favorites, never a good idea. Also interested in learning how Maat became "former" queen.


I love how one cub is all sad eyed and hurt, then you have the other-grinning from ear to ear, obviously aware that he has NO WAY to save himself


Well lets be honest, just look at him and you must know its hunting party who is bring him food.


Huh I didn't know he switched who was queen, how dose that work?


I think the smiling one might also be his daughter, but yes, she's certainly the youngest and probably not going to be voted favorite anytime soon haha