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Last page of the flashback! And this page brings everything full circle, doesn't it? x3
Do you recognize this place and time?

After Chui got darted, he was transported to a different area of Ngorongoro Crater, away from the hyenas and lions. This new area being none other than Lerai Forest, where our story started <3

Chronologically, this page falls directly at the end of Chapter 1! https://www.deviantart.com/arven92/art/Africa-Page-31-463371774

This also explains the tire tracks from a few pages before: https://www.deviantart.com/arven92/art/Africa-Page-24-441410220

As well as a few more details x3 

I hope that you like how it all connects together! Personally I've been waiting to get to this page for a LONG time heheh! Eight years, in fact!

By the time he meets Africa, Chui already had plenty of blood on his paws. But enough about him! It's about time we get back to our favorite leopard... ^_^

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Jessica O'Brien

Holy full circle Batman I just got mild chills

Rachael Jokerst

So that’s how he got across the desert.

Shadow Hyder

Ok but the IMPROVEMENT tho! I always love looking back at your old pages and seeing how much your style has grown :D




Chui looking at Africa like "Ohh I'm gonna get me some sweet ass..." (Or so he thought. Good thing that female leopard had standards xD) And ooh I remember noticing those tire tracks! Nicely done coming full circle like this. There's a small change there, isn't it? Did Africa actually chase her mother in the original page? Of course it could have happened off screen or something and it's not a very important detail, I just didn't remember her chasing her.

Koco Wong


The Fluffy Birdcat

And then the dumbass humans let him loose again to become someone else's problem. Just let nature sort him out already!

The Fluffy Birdcat

I wanna put Chui back in that box with a "return to sender" note.