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Ever had a burning question regarding my comics and books, Chakra, Africa and Azarian Stories?

Well, now you can ask my characters directly, and they will answer you in their own words!

To play, simply name the character you'd like to ask, and then type your question.

One of your questions also has a chance to be turned into a small, fun sketch!


*Keep questions SFW please!

*It's the characters' duty to maintain their answers spoiler free! :D

Have fun, and thanks for the support! <3



Led, how are you doing since saying goodbye to C.Y?

Michelle Koenders

Dear Giza, what are your thoughts on Africa living with other animals and adopting a serval kitten?


Baba Bes, dearest, who is your favorite lioness ?

Caroline Green

How did Baba Bess win a pride ?


Safari, what is your favorite childhood memory with Dada?

Koco Wong

Safari, have you ever mistaken anyone other than Africa for dada?


Chui, do you actually feel anything (interest, affection, obsession, desire, possession, ... ) for Africa or are you into her because she's the first female you've come across when you came of age of being a father ? Do you have specific projects for her aside from bearing your cubs ?


Not for your characters but for you, Arven!! What are your favorite tools when it comes to drawing? Any ideas for another future comic? 👀


Mosi, where are you, poor little one? :(


Led: "It's so lonely, and I miss C.Y. every single day. Shiro and her family, as well as the Chakra Heroes, are still keeping me company though! Sometimes I look at the stars and I have the feeling C.Y. is watching me back."


Giza: "This is so far removed from everything I taught my daughter. While I do wish she could rely on her leopard instincts more, seeing her genuinely happy is what tells me this is the right path for her."


Bes: "Why of course, because I'm the strongest, most beautiful, most charismatic lion in the entire crater! (AND my mom put in a good word for me but that's not important)."


Safari: "So I remember when we were playing in the prairie one afternoon while our mother had gone hunting. All of a sudden she'd disappeared from my sight and I couldn't find her anywhere. I worried a lot thinking a hawk might have taken her, but then she popped out of the tall grass with a ground squirrel in her tiny jaws. She said she'd hunted it for me because she'd heard my stomach grumbling. She was the best sister, always looking out for others."


Safari: "Thankfully no, though when I first met Faida I got a bit confused. She has the same spots but doesn't look cheetah-shaped, does she!"


I don't really feel anything for her, if anything, we are full on rivals. She happened to be the first female leopard I met when I was full grown, and nothing stops me once I set my mind on it!"


Daww thank you! :D I love digital art but traditional will always have a special place in my art! The colored pencils I use for the comic are certainly my favorite tool hah! :D And hoho maybeee ;) I did have this floating idea in mind about a future project taking place in a prehistoric setting... :D


Mosi: "I am so lost and can't find my way home... send help...!"

Emma Becker

Chui, have you attempted to find any other female leopards and if so have they been interested in you? Judging from Africa, you haven’t had the best luck…at all.