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Not gonna lie, that fourth panel was satisfying to draw.

Turns out the "bearers of lightning" aren't on anyone's side. Or maybe they're on Chui's side and this is their way to help, thinking he's in danger.

Either way, Chui didn't see that coming.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Poor Faida…those last couple of panels are heartbreaking

Jessica O'Brien

Alright seeing Chui get shot in his rumpus during his monologue was satisfying but props to whoever hit him from that range while shooting into a cave.


Aaaah, it's very satisfying to finally see Chui lose his smug composure !


Lol the humans themselves going "Okay bad leopard, back in the cage with you."


He got bit by the magic fly. Bad Chui. Still thought poor Fadia… 😿


Her poor puppies...


So in the end it aaaaaall comes to Mommy ... Dude, did you really need to cause a freaking apocalypse ?


"I have mommy issues and now I got your kids killed cause mommy never loved me! REEEEEE" God I hate this guy so much.

The Fluffy Birdcat

Oh Chui. I hope you die a virgin so you can't contaminate the gene pool.

Stephanie Titarenko

Not gonna lie, that fourth panel was very satisfying to SEE. XD You know, up until recently I sympathized with Chui just a leeettle bit. I thought, sure, he was being an ass to Africa and threatening her cubs, but this comic is striving to be semi-realistic and that's what male leopards do. Evolution and instinct to thrive and procreate as early and as often as possible yadda yadda yadda. While his actions were bad they were at least based in a real-life leopard's natural instincts, which made him a nice foil for Africa, who has shown on a few occasions that she is willing and able to break the mold and operate beyond instinct now and then. But after seeing THIS, how Chui turned on Faida despite the fact that she quite literally saved his life and raised him ( most of the way, at least )....yeah, he can go die in a hole. It really makes me wonder whether Chui's mother didn't return to him when he was a cub because she COULDN'T ( due to injury, capture by humans, or being killed in a fight/accident etc. ) or because she straight-up rejected and abandoned him, as Faida speculates. Perhaps she was so disgusted by his ruthlessness and lack of empathy for his dead brother that she just decided not to raise him and left him to his fate. I'm actually really curious as to which of these scenarios is true: was her abandonment of him voluntary or involuntary? Because it's pretty clear that Chui was a bad seed even from an early age and showed signs of being troubled at least from the age where he stole his brother's food as per the story he recounts to Bibi.


That'd actually be really interesting to know. If his mother simply got injured or died or otherwise just COULDN'T get to him. This guy is definitely not a reliable narrator so I don't trust a thing he says even about his own history. He lies constantly.

The Fluffy Birdcat

Chui needs to go play on the Los Angeles freeway at rush hour.