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Wrath of a mother.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Michelle Koenders

Hyena jaws are no joke! And Bes is action? Now that is a phenomenon!


Her scars were from Bes?? By the size of that mouth, she's lucky that's all she physically got away with though. In retrospect that makes Faida making her pack chase Bes up a tree all the more satisfying, lol.


Wow Bes actually doing something physical?? Iconic


Oh, so that's how Maat got her thigh scar...kinda surprised she can still walk given how strong hyena chompers are


Ohh Fadia… 😿😿😿

Rachael Jokerst

Excuse my language but fuck her up Faida


So we're finally going to see just what even a flabby slug like Bes is capable of when he's angry.

Stephanie Titarenko

I meant to say it last page, but I'll say it here since I'm here and it still applies: so MAAT is the one who killed Faida's cubs! Given that I'm surprised Faida was so civil with her back when she confronted her when she chased Mosi into the thorns, even going so far as to tell Mosi not to blame Maat for chasing him because "she doesn't know any better" back on Page 134. Faida obviously survives this attack here from Bes and something has to happen that causes the lions to hate Chui and leave the hyenas alone after this, so I can tell we are still lacking some vital story here. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds and get some answers to some of these questions! Gorgeous art, as always. I love how you do night scenes: dark enough to easily tell it is night, but with enough lighting for us to see our characters. :3

The Fluffy Birdcat

Alexa, lock on to the signal from Chui's radio collar and call in an airstrike on that location!


I didn't even notice Maat has a thigh scar, at what page can you see it? Edit: Never mind, I went back and it's clearly visible when she's first introduced, never thought of it before!