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Faida's worst fear.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Fuck you chui, you fucking evil piece of shit. Poor faida..

Michelle Koenders

What is it with you and killing cubs? My heart! 😭

Rachael Jokerst

Knew it was coming but still hard to see….


How were the lions able to overwhelm the hyenas so easily? Especially when we've seen them back down from the hyenas a few times already in previous chapters


Probably the threat of annihilation that Chui stuffed into their head motivated them enough. On top of it being a complete sneak attack.


Nooooo the babs!


It was mostly the surprise factor, Chui was key as he drew the attention of the hyenas and gathered most of them to one spot, allowing the lions to split up and catch smaller groups by surprise :)


Ohhh no.. poor Fadia.


Now I wonder if Faida got her scar from attacking that lion in blind rage perhaps... also is that the one named Maat? That panel of Faida's eye is incredible btw </3


That may indeed be true... D: And that's correct, that is Maat! Thank you hhh, that panel was definitely my favorite to draw ^_^


Thought I recognized her. That puts a somewhat interesting light on their earlier brief interactions. Faida surely knows how to rise above her enemies (if that formulation makes sense.) Aww it definitely shows!


With all the pain and suffering Faida has been through, I find it truly awesome that she is still such an empathetic character. Still holding out an olive branch to strangers despite having been hurt so badly before