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When even Baba Bes starts questioning your logic, it's time to reconsider said logic.

Thankfully for Chui, Bes isn't the smartest tool in the shed.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Ohhh, make me wonder... if thuman are talking about the building of a Dam, but for animals its an apocaliptic view of how things will go.


What kind of movie did they show Chui?


Feels like Chui’s trying to pit the lions against the hyenas 🤔 I can’t wait to see what direction you go with!


Theories aside, I'm pretty sure Chui is just lying


He's either lying through his teeth, or exaggerating events that already happen to try to connect them into his narrative (birds migrating, dry season, flooding when dry season turns to wet season again, etc.). That's my theory anyway. I ain't buying this "end of the world" nonsense for sure, especially out HIS mouth.


That is indeed the concept I took inspiration from :D I'm glad it could be inferred ^_^


Yep, i can definitely see that being the case too! Making them panic when mundane events happen to further his narrative would be very in-character for him

Syrus Coy

Panel 2 is concerning. Is Chui a little psycho, believing in his own lies?

Shadow Hyder (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-27 18:21:55 He really said >:3
2022-02-11 14:12:25 He really said >:3

He really said >:3


I wonder what Chui did afterward that made the lions so mad at him. They chased africa up a tree, thinking it was him, and they didn't seem all too happy about it either. I also noticed the way that the matriarch spoke to the lions when she rescued africa that last time, as though she was on the same page as the lions about Chui. I'm very intrigued!!